
Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Food tech.

Savoury Bread cases.

Welcome back people to my blog, last Friday we made bread cases. This is the first actual cooking part we have done this term, this is a pretty easy thing to make. It is basically baked beans on toast, First, we had to collect our equipment: Cheese, Bread, Margarine, Baked beans, and spaghett. 
We then grated the cheese, buttered the bread, cut the crust of the bread place bread in a muffin tray, bake the bread at 180 degrees for like 5 minutes. Take the muffin tray out, put in fillings I used bake beans ham and cheese. Place the tray back in the oven for at least 8 minutes. Then take out of the oven let cool down and enjoy.

Here is another way to make them: Click here